Client: Lance!®
Head of Project: Fabio Storino

Since I was a child, I have been a fan of Lance!®, and during the World Cup
I had the pleasure of providing my services to the companywith some
illustrations for social networks. I selected my favorites:

Desde criança, sou fã do Lance!®, e durante a Copa tive o prazer
de prestas meus serviços à empresa com algumas ilustrações
para as redes sociais. Selecionei as minhas preferidas:
(To celebrate the start of the competition)
(Para celebrar o início da competição)
(The stars who were left out of the 2022 edition)
(As estrelas que ficaram de fora da edição de 2022)
(Post-match: Brazil win against South Korea)
(Pós-jogo: vitória do Brasil contra a Coréia do Sul)
(Recreation of the famous image of Mbappe as a child.
Pre-match of the final between Argentina vs France)
(Recriação da famosa imagem de Mbappé quando criança.
Pré-jogo da final entre Argentina x França)
(Pre-match: the grand final)
(Pré-jogo: a grande final)
That is all! thanks for watching!
Isso é tudo! Obrigado por assistir!

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